Friday, April 23, 2010

Prezi. Com

After my Multimedia class worked with 280Slides, we continued our unit on Presentations by moving on to If any one is interested in using this tool I definitely recommend it, but I also recommend watching the tutorial video. Prezi is lots of fun to work with and watch presentations made in it, but it is very intricate and I found that it took quite a bit of work to figure out what was going on with it. I don't even know half of what there is to know on how to use prezi, since its just basically an introduction to the program.

Again, first I had to choose a presentation. I used the same idea that I used for 280Slides, which is "How to Setup a Scene for a Movie". Again I used this idea because its something we just got done talking about in another class, and knowing the topic well made it easier to focus on the presentation part of the project.

The Prezi sheet is spread out on the whole screen, you can zoom out to see the broad piece of you're presentation, or zoom in and only focus on working on a small portion. You can write wherever you want, add pictures, and frames around it. When you have all you're information down, you add a path. The path is helpful, for when you are ready to present, because when you click it acts like a regular slide show and takes you to the next number in the path. The good thing about Prezi is that if someone wants to go back and look at another slide, you can back out of the "presentation" to the wide view, and go back to that slide with ease.

To present, you can do a picture within a picture, adding dialogue. Or you can have a spiderweb of information that is expanded across you're prezi spread sheet.

You can upload you're own pictures, or pictures from the web and place them. You can size them, rotate them as you wish. As I said before this is really an indepth program that takes quite a bit of practice, so I can explain it until I am blue in the face. But more than likely I will just confuse you, or just won't be giving Prezi the "respect" that it deserves.

To just go and have a look at the site and tutorial go to --->

To have a look at the Prezi Presentation I made go to --->

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